It’s that time of year again… you know, the one where every week brings a new industry conference and you are having trouble choosing between them?! I’m in that boat right now, so I thought I’d share my thoughts on what I find valuable/look for in a conference when choosing amongst the many many options. First of all – is it industry related? Yes? Check. But what parts of the industry? Social Media? Digital Analytics? Mobile? Specific to a vendor? Cross-vendor/tool? There are a lot of ways to slice and dice these conferences (just like data!), so it’s important to know what you are interested in and what will provide the most value to both yourself and your business (after all, it is their time and $$ sending you, right?).
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Digital Analytics
Searching for a new role? Career change? Be sure to go into the interview process armed with the salary range you think you deserve, based on experience and specialties. There is info all over the web for salary ranges for various roles in Digital Analytics, Web Analytics, Social Media, Digital Marketing, etc. – it’s important you do your research! Some skill sets, in particular, help to drive up your potential salary range (as well as the # of offers you may receive). Tops amongst them is knowledge and hands on experience with the Omniture suite of products. What sets this skill apart from others is the difficulty in gaining it. Omniture is a large, enterprise level tool. There is no free version and no free trainings (unlike Google Analytics and
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Today kicks off Social Media Week 2012 aka #smw12. Thanks to my buddy @justinkistner, today also kicks off my new blog, self titled, BloggerChica (find me on Twitter – @bloggerchica). I attended a jam packed day of sessions by a great line up of speakers from Adobe, Altimeter, Cisco, eBay, Intel, and SAP. The day’s events were hosted at Adobe’s San Jose headquarters. First up, Jeremiah Owyang – Altimeter Jeremiah talked about “Social Data in a Crystal Ball” and the 7 elements of social data: 1 – Demographics: Business strategies towards demographics becomes more powerful when combined with 2 – Product: Using product info is tried and true, but will be more valuable combined w/ behavioral 3 – Psychographics: With this data, brands should focus on higher level topics to
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