Some time ago, a few analyst friends tweeted about wishing new widgets in Google Analytics dashboards could be added to the bottom by default rather than the top. As an analyst who has made and maintained MANY GA dashboards, I couldn’t agree more. By adding the widget to the top, the analyst is forced to immediately re-organize their dashboard widgets as they likely already had a particular setup they liked and the new widget disrupts that. Adding it to the bottom of the dashboard instead allows for easier customization and less user frustration. <— this was the justification I used when I submitted this feature request/change. Well, I’m SO excited to report that after a short wait (ok, a decent wait, but hey, we were busy building the Google Analytics
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Following Krista’s excellent post on using secondary dimensions in Google Analytics, this post will explain the GA represents your data using its internal data model and why it’s important to understand this. You’ll see that certain combinations of metrics and dimensions don’t mean what you might think, and that some are actually completely invalid. We’ll cover examples of secondary dimensions and custom reports where seemingly sensible reports are invalid and how to spot and avoid these mistakes. Introduction We see the world through our eyes, we smell the world through our nose, we taste it in our mouths and we feel it in our finger-tips. We perceive the world using the same senses but, philosophically we have unique, individual perspectives when we think about the world and what it means
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