A tribute to Valentine’s Day (thanks Guy Kawasaki and Julianna Rae)
60% of Facebook users list their relationship status. Wow, that number in and of itself is says a lot in terms of the amount of private data that people today are willingly exposing to the world wide web. As we become a much more social world, the trend is to share more and more about our personal lives with everyone else. It will be interesting to watch this trend and privacy laws evolve over the next few years.
Social Media’s Impact on Love
A tribute to Valentine’s Day (thanks Guy Kawasaki and Julianna Rae)
60% of Facebook users list their relationship status. Wow, that number in and of itself is says a lot in terms of the amount of private data that people today are willingly exposing to the world wide web. As we become a much more social world, the trend is to share more and more about our personal lives with everyone else. It will be interesting to watch this trend and privacy laws evolve over the next few years.
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